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- uses dos,crt,supervga;
- procedure setpix(x,y:word;col:longint);
- const
- msk:array[0..7] of byte=(128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1);
- plane :array[0..1] of byte=(5,10);
- plane4:array[0..3] of byte=(1,2,4,8);
- mscga4:array[0..3] of byte=($3f,$cf,$f3,$fc);
- shcga4:array[0..3] of byte=(6,4,2,0);
- var l:longint;
- m,z:word;
- begin
- case memmode of
- _cga2:begin
- z:=(y shr 1)*bytes+(x shr 3);
- if odd(y) then inc(z,8192);
- mem[$b800:z]:=(mem[$b800:z] and (255 xor msk[x and 7]))
- or ((col and 1) shl (7-(x and 7)));
- end;
- _cga4:begin
- z:=(y shr 1)*bytes+(x shr 2);
- if odd(y) then inc(z,8192);
- mem[$b800:z]:=(mem[$b800:z] and mscga4[x and 3])
- or (col and 3) shl shcga4[x and 3];
- end;
- _pl2:begin
- l:=y*bytes+(x shr 3);
- wrinx($3ce,3,0);
- wrinx($3ce,5,2);
- wrinx($3c4,2,1);
- wrinx($3ce,8,msk[x and 7]);
- setbank(l shr 16);
- z:=mem[vseg:word(l)];
- mem[vseg:word(l)]:=col;
- end;
- _pl2e:begin
- l:=y*128+(x shr 3);
- modinx($3ce,5,3,0);
- wrinx($3c4,2,15);
- wrinx($3ce,0,col*3);
- wrinx($3ce,1,3);
- wrinx($3ce,8,msk[x and 7]);
- z:=mem[vseg:word(l)];
- mem[vseg:word(l)]:=0;
- end;
- _pl4:begin
- l:=y*bytes+(x shr 4);
- wrinx($3ce,3,0);
- wrinx($3ce,5,2);
- wrinx($3c4,2,plane[(x shr 3) and 1]);
- wrinx($3ce,8,msk[x and 7]);
- setbank(l shr 16);
- z:=mem[vseg:word(l)];
- mem[vseg:word(l)]:=col;
- end;
- _pk4:begin
- l:=y*bytes+(x shr 2);
- setbank(l shr 16);
- z:=mem[vseg:word(l)] and mscga4[x and 3];
- mem[vseg:word(l)]:=z or (col shl shcga4[x and 3]);
- end;
- _pl16:begin
- l:=y*bytes+(x shr 3);
- wrinx($3ce,3,0);
- wrinx($3ce,5,2);
- wrinx($3ce,8,msk[x and 7]);
- setbank(l shr 16);
- z:=mem[vseg:word(l)];
- mem[vseg:word(l)]:=col;
- end;
- _pk16:begin
- l:=y*bytes+(x shr 1);
- setbank(l shr 16);
- z:=mem[vseg:word(l)];
- if odd(x) then z:=z and $f+(col shl 4)
- else z:=z and $f0+col;
- mem[vseg:word(l)]:=z;
- end;
- _p256:begin
- l:=y*bytes+x;
- setbank(l shr 16);
- mem[vseg:word(l)]:=col;
- end;
- _p32k,_p64k:
- begin
- l:=y*bytes+(x shl 1);
- setbank(l shr 16);
- memw[vseg:word(l)]:=col;
- end;
- _p16m:begin
- l:=y*bytes+(x*3);
- z:=word(l);
- m:=l shr 16;
- setbank(m);
- if z<$fffe then move(col,mem[vseg:z],3)
- else begin
- mem[vseg:z]:=lo(col);
- if z=$ffff then setbank(m+1);
- mem[vseg:z+1]:=lo(col shr 8);
- if z=$fffe then setbank(m+1);
- mem[vseg:z+2]:=col shr 16;
- end;
- end;
- else ;
- end;
- end;
- procedure setvstartxy(x,y:word);
- var l:longint;
- begin
- l:=0;
- case memmode of
- _pl16:l:=(bytes*y+(x div 8))*4;
- _p256:l:=bytes*y+x;
- _p32k,_p64k:l:=bytes*y+x*2;
- _p16m:l:=bytes*y+x*3;
- end;
- setvstart(l);
- end;
- function whitecol:longint;
- var col:longint;
- begin
- case memmode of
- _cga2,_pl2e,
- _pl2:col:=1;
- _cga4,_pk4
- ,_pl4:col:=3;
- _pk16,_pl16,
- _p256:col:=15;
- _p32k:col:=$7fff;
- _p64k:col:=$ffff;
- _p16m:col:=$ffffff;
- else
- end;
- whitecol:=col;
- end;
- procedure wrtext(x,y:word;txt:string); {write TXT to pos (X,Y)}
- type
- pchar=array[char] of array[0..15] of byte;
- var
- p:^pchar;
- c:char;
- i,j,z,b:integer;
- ad,bk:word;
- l,v,col:longint;
- begin
- rp.bh:=6;
- vio($1130);
- case memmode of
- _cga2,_pl2e,
- _pl2:col:=1;
- _cga4,_pk4
- ,_pl4:col:=3;
- _pk16,_pl16,
- _p256:col:=15;
- _p32k:col:=$7fff;
- _p64k:col:=$ffff;
- _p16m:col:=$ffffff;
- else
- end;
- p:=ptr(rp.es,rp.bp);
- for z:=1 to length(txt) do
- begin
- c:=txt[z];
- for j:=0 to 15 do
- begin
- b:=p^[c][j];
- for i:=0 to 7 do
- begin
- if (b and 128)<>0 then v:=col else v:=0;
- setpix(x+i,y+j,v);
- b:=b shl 1;
- end;
- end;
- inc(x,8);
- end;
- end;
- procedure drawtestpattern(nam:string);
- {Draw Test pattern.}
- var s:string;
- l:longint;
- x,y,yst:word;
- white:longint;
- function rgb(r,g,b:word):longint;
- begin
- r:=lo(r);g:=lo(g);b:=lo(b);
- case colbits[memmode] of
- 1:rgb:=r and 1;
- 2:rgb:=r and 3;
- 4:rgb:=r and 15;
- 8:rgb:=r;
- 15:rgb:=((r shr 3) shl 5+(g shr 3)) shl 5+(b shr 3);
- 16:rgb:=((r shr 3) shl 6+(g shr 2)) shl 5+(b shr 3);
- 24:rgb:=(longint(r) shl 8+g) shl 8 +b;
- end;
- end;
- procedure wline(stx,sty,ex,ey:integer);
- var x,y,d,mx,my:integer;
- l:longint;
- begin
- if sty>ey then
- begin
- x:=stx;stx:=ex;ex:=x;
- x:=sty;sty:=ey;ey:=x;
- end;
- y:=0;
- mx:=abs(ex-stx);
- my:=ey-sty;
- d:=0;
- repeat
- l:=rgb(y,y,y);
- y:=(y+1) and 255;
- setpix(stx,sty,l);
- if abs(d+mx)<abs(d-my) then
- begin
- inc(sty);
- d:=d+mx;
- end
- else begin
- d:=d-my;
- if ex>stx then inc(stx)
- else dec(stx);
- end;
- until (stx=ex) and (sty=ey);
- end;
- begin
- white:=whitecol;
- wline(50,30,pixels-50,30);
- wline(50,lins-30,pixels-50,lins-30);
- wline(50,30,50,lins-30);
- wline(pixels-50,30,pixels-50,lins-30);
- wline(50,30,pixels-50,lins-30);
- wline(pixels-50,30,50,lins-30);
- if lins>200 then yst:=50 else yst:=10;
- wrtext(10,yst,name+' with '+istr(mm)+' Kbytes.');
- wrtext(10,yst+25,nam);
- for x:=1 to (pixels-10) div 100 do
- begin
- for y:=1 to 10 do
- setpix(x*100,y,white);
- wrtext(x*100+3,1,istr(x));
- end;
- for x:=1 to (lins-10) div 100 do
- begin
- for y:=1 to 10 do
- setpix(y,x*100,white);
- wrtext(1,x*100+2,istr(x));
- end;
- case memmode of
- _pk4,
- _pl4:for x:=0 to 63 do
- for y:=0 to 63 do
- setpix(30+x,yst+y+50,y shr 3);
- _pk16,
- _pl16:for x:=0 to 127 do
- if lins<250 then
- for y:=0 to 63 do
- setpix(30+x,yst+y+50,y shr 2)
- else
- for y:=0 to 127 do
- setpix(30+x,yst+y+50,y shr 3);
- _p256:for x:=0 to 127 do
- if lins<250 then
- for y:=0 to 63 do
- setpix(30+x,yst+50+y,((y shl 2) and 240) +(x shr 3))
- else
- for y:=0 to 127 do
- setpix(30+x,yst+50+y,((y shl 1) and 240)+(x shr 3));
- _p32k,_p64k,_p16m:
- if pixels<600 then
- begin
- for x:=0 to 63 do
- begin
- for y:=0 to 63 do
- begin
- setpix(30+x,100+y,rgb(x*4,y*4,0));
- setpix(110+x,100+y,rgb(x*4,0,y*4));
- setpix(190+x,100+y,rgb(0,x*4,y*4));
- end;
- end;
- for x:=0 to 255 do
- for y:=170 to 179 do
- begin
- setpix(x,y,rgb(x,0,0));
- setpix(x,y+10,rgb(0,x,0));
- setpix(x,y+20,rgb(0,0,x));
- end;
- end
- else begin
- for x:=0 to 127 do
- for y:=0 to 127 do
- begin
- setpix(30+x,120+y,rgb(x*2,y*2,0));
- setpix(200+x,120+y,rgb(x*2,0,y*2));
- setpix(370+x,120+y,rgb(0,x*2,y*2));
- end;
- for x:=0 to 511 do
- for y:=260 to 269 do
- begin
- setpix(x,y,rgb(x shr 1,0,0));
- setpix(x,y+10,rgb(0,x shr 1,0));
- setpix(x,y+20,rgb(0,0,x shr 1));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure testvmode;
- begin
- drawtestpattern('Mode: '+hex4(curmode)+'h: '+istr(pixels)+'x'+istr(lins)+' '
- +istr(modecols[memmode])+' colors');
- if readkey='' then;
- textmode(3);
- end;
- procedure wrmono(s:string);
- var x:word;
- begin
- for x:=1 to length(s) do
- mem[$b000:x+x]:=ord(s[x]);
- end;
- procedure testscrollmode;
- var s:string;
- r13,sclins,scpixs:word;
- x0,y0:integer;
- ch:char;
- begin
- sclins:=lins;
- scpixs:=pixels;
- s:='Mode: '+hex4(curmode)+'h: '+istr(pixels)+'x'+istr(lins)+' '+istr(modecols[memmode])+' colors';
- r13:=rdinx(crtc,$13);
- if (r13<128) and ((bytes*lins*planes*5 div 2)<mm*longint(1024)) then
- begin
- wrinx(crtc,$13,r13*2);
- bytes:=bytes*2;
- pixels:=pixels*2;
- end;
- lins:=mm*longint(1024) div (bytes*planes);
- for x0:=0 to (mm div 64)-1 do
- begin
- setbank(x0);
- fillchar(mem[vseg:1],$ffff,0);
- mem[vseg:0]:=0;
- end;
- drawtestpattern(s);
- x0:=0;
- y0:=0;
- repeat
- setvstartxy(x0,y0);
- wrmono(istr(x0)+':'+istr(y0)+'.');
- ch:=readkey;
- if ch=#0 then
- case readkey of
- #72:y0:=y0-16;
- #75:x0:=x0-16;
- #77:x0:=x0+16;
- #80:y0:=y0+16;
- #73:dec(y0);
- #81:inc(y0);
- end;
- if x0<0 then x0:=0;
- if y0<0 then y0:=0;
- if x0>pixels-scpixs then x0:=pixels-scpixs;
- if y0>lins-sclins then y0:=lins-sclins;
- until (ch=#27) or (ch=#13);
- textmode(3);
- end;
- procedure testvgamodes; {Test extended modes}
- var m:word;
- md:integer;
- c:char;
- procedure tmode(m:word);
- begin
- memmode:=modetbl[m].memmode;
- pixels :=modetbl[m].xres;
- lins :=modetbl[m].yres;
- bytes :=modetbl[m].bytes;
- if setmode(modetbl[m].md) then testvmode;
- end;
- begin
- textmode($103);
- writeln('Modes:');
- writeln;
- for m:=1 to nomodes do
- begin
- writeln(' '+chr(m+64)+' '+hex4(modetbl[m].md)+'h '+istr(modetbl[m].xres)
- +'x'+istr(modetbl[m].yres)+' '+mdtxt[modetbl[m].memmode]);
- end;
- writeln;
- writeln(' * All modes');
- writeln;
- c:=upcase(readkey);
- for m:=1 to nomodes do
- if (c='*') or (c=chr(m+64)) then tmode(m);
- end;
- procedure teststdvgamodes; {Test standard VGA modes}
- var m:word;
- md:integer;
- c:char;
- procedure tmode(m:word);
- begin
- memmode:=stdmodetbl[m].memmode;
- pixels :=stdmodetbl[m].xres;
- lins :=stdmodetbl[m].yres;
- bytes :=stdmodetbl[m].bytes;
- if setmode(stdmodetbl[m].md) then testvmode;
- end;
- begin
- textmode($103);
- writeln('Modes:');
- writeln;
- for m:=1 to novgamodes do
- begin
- writeln(' '+chr(m+64)+' '+hex4(stdmodetbl[m].md)+'h '+istr(stdmodetbl[m].xres)
- +'x'+istr(stdmodetbl[m].yres)+' '+mdtxt[stdmodetbl[m].memmode]);
- end;
- writeln;
- writeln(' * All modes');
- writeln;
- c:=upcase(readkey);
- for m:=1 to novgamodes do
- if (c='*') or (c=chr(m+64)) then tmode(m);
- end;
- procedure testscrollmodes; {Test scrolling}
- var
- m:word;
- c:char;
- procedure tmode(m:word);
- begin
- memmode:=modetbl[m].memmode;
- pixels :=modetbl[m].xres;
- lins :=modetbl[m].yres;
- bytes :=modetbl[m].bytes;
- if setmode(modetbl[m].md) then testscrollmode;
- end;
- begin
- textmode($103);
- writeln('Modes:');
- writeln;
- for m:=1 to nomodes do
- begin
- writeln(' '+chr(m+64)+' '+hex4(modetbl[m].md)+'h '+istr(modetbl[m].xres)
- +'x'+istr(modetbl[m].yres)+' '+mdtxt[modetbl[m].memmode]);
- end;
- writeln;
- writeln(' * All modes');
- writeln;
- c:=upcase(readkey);
- for m:=1 to nomodes do
- if (c='*') or (c=chr(m+64)) then tmode(m);
- end;
- procedure searchformodes; {Run through all possible modes
- and try to id any new ones}
- type
- regblk=record
- base:word;
- nbr:word;
- x:array[0..255] of byte;
- end;
- var
- md,m,bseg,hig,wid,x,y,oldbytes,wordadr:word;
- c:char;
- ofil:text;
- attregs:array[0..31] of byte;
- seqregs,grcregs,crtcregs,xxregs:regblk;
- stdregs:array[$3c0..$3df] of byte;
- l:longint;
- s:string;
- procedure dumprg(base:word;var rg:regblk);
- var six,ix:word;
- begin
- rg.base:=base;
- six:=inp(base);
- outp(base,255);
- ix:=inp(base);
- if ix>127 then rg.nbr:=255
- else if ix>63 then rg.nbr:=127
- else if ix>31 then rg.nbr:=63
- else if ix>15 then rg.nbr:=31
- else if ix>7 then rg.nbr:=15
- else rg.nbr:=7;
- for ix:=0 to rg.nbr do
- rg.x[ix]:=rdinx(base,ix);
- outp(base,six);
- end;
- procedure wrregs(var f:text;var rg:regblk);
- var x:word;
- begin
- write(f,hex4(rg.base)+':');
- for x:=0 to rg.nbr do
- begin
- if (x mod 25=0) and (x>0) then
- write(f,'('+hex2(x)+'):');
- write(f,' '+hex2(rg.x[x]));
- end;
- writeln(f);
- end;
- procedure dumpregs(var f:text);
- var x:word;
- begin
- writeln(f,'Mode: '+hex2(md)+'h Pixels: '+istr(pixels)+' lines: '+istr(lins)
- +' bytes: '+istr(bytes)+' colors: '+istr(modecols[memmode]));
- writeln(f);
- for x:=$3C0 to $3CF do write(' '+hex2(stdregs[x]));
- writeln(f);
- for x:=$3D0 to $3DF do write(' '+hex2(stdregs[x]));
- writeln(f);
- write(f,'03C0:');
- for x:=0 to 31 do
- begin
- if x=25 then
- begin
- writeln(f);
- write(f,'(19):');
- end;
- write(f,' '+hex2(attregs[x]));
- end;
- writeln(f);
- wrregs(f,seqregs);
- wrregs(f,grcregs);
- wrregs(f,crtcregs);
- if xxregs.base<>0 then wrregs(f,xxregs);
- writeln(f);
- end;
- procedure plotchar(x,y,ch:word);
- begin
- mem[bseg:(y*wid+x) shl 1]:=ch;
- end;
- procedure plotchat(x,y,ch,at:word);
- begin
- memw[bseg:(y*wid+x) shl 1]:=at shl 8+ch;
- end;
- procedure plotstr(x,y:word;s:string);
- var z:word;
- begin
- for z:=1 to length(s) do
- plotchar(x+z-1,y,ord(s[z]));
- end;
- begin
- for md:=$14 to $7f do
- begin
- textmode(3);
- gotoxy(10,10);
- write('Testing mode: '+hex2(md));
- delay(500);
- vio(md);
- if mem[0:$449]=md then
- begin
- for x:=$3C2 to $3DF do stdregs[x]:=inp(x);
- x:=inp($3DA);
- stdregs[$3C0]:=inp($3C0);
- for x:=0 to 31 do attregs[x]:=rdinx($3C0,x);
- x:=rdinx($3C0,$30);
- dumprg(crtc,crtcregs);
- dumprg($3C4,seqregs);
- dumprg($3CE,grcregs);
- case chip of
- __chips451,__chips452,__chips453:dumprg(crtc+2,xxregs);
- else xxregs.base:=0;
- end;
- m:=grcregs.x[6];
- case (m shr 2) and 3 of
- 0,1:bseg:=$a000;
- 2:bseg:=$b000;
- 3:bseg:=$b800;
- end;
- if odd(m) then
- begin {graf mode}
- lins:=crtcregs.x[$12]+1;
- x:=crtcregs.x[7];
- if (x and 2)<>0 then inc(lins,256);
- if (x and 64)<>0 then inc(lins,512);
- pixels:=(crtcregs.x[1]+1)*8;
- wid:=crtcregs.x[$13];
- wordadr:=2;
- if (crtcregs.x[$14] and 64)<>0 then wordadr:=8
- else if (crtcregs.x[$17] and 64)=0 then wordadr:=4;
- case chip of
- __p2000:if (grcregs.x[$13] and 64)<>0 then
- begin
- wordadr:=wordadr shr 1;
- if (grcregs.x[$21] and 32)<>0 then inc(wid,256);
- end;
- __cirrus54:begin
- if (crtcregs.x[$1B] and 16)<>0 then inc(wid,256);
- if (crtcregs.x[$1A] and 1)<>0 then lins:=lins*2;
- end;
- __tseng4:if (crtcregs.x[$3f] and 128)<>0 then inc(wid,256);
- end;
- x:=seqregs.x[4];
- if (x and 8)<>0 then {256 color}
- begin
- memmode:=_p256;
- if dactype>_dac8 then
- begin
- dactocomm;
- x:=inp($3c6);
- if x>127 then memmode:=_p32k;
- case dactype of
- _dac16:if (x and 64)<>0 then memmode:=_p64k;
- (* _dacss24:if x=$8e then
- begin
- memmode:=_p16m;
- pixels:=pixels*3;
- end; *)
- _dacatt:case (x and $60) of
- $40:memmode:=_p64k;
- $60:memmode:=_p16m;
- end;
- _dacadac1:case x of
- $E1:memmode:=_p64k;
- $E5:memmode:=_p16m;
- $F0:memmode:=_p32k;
- end;
- end;
- dactopel;
- end;
- end
- { else if (x and 4)<>0 then
- begin
- memmode:=_pl4;
- bytes:=wid;
- end }
- else memmode:=_pl16;
- bytes:=wid*wordadr;
- case memmode of {Adjust for HiColor}
- _p32k,_p64k:pixels:=pixels div 2;
- _p16m:pixels:=pixels div 3;
- end;
- if (pixels>800) and (pixels>=2*lins) then {adjust for interlace}
- lins:=lins*2;
- repeat
- oldbytes:=bytes;
- if setmode(md) then
- begin
- case colbits[memmode] of
- 15:s:='32K';
- 16:s:='64K';
- 24:s:='16M';
- else s:=istr(modecols[memmode]);
- end;
- drawtestpattern('Mode: '+hex2(md)+' ('+istr(pixels)+'x'+istr(lins)+' '
- +s+' col) '+istr(bytes)+' bytes.');
- end;
- case readkey of
- #0:begin
- c:=readkey;
- case c of
- #73:bytes:=bytes shl 1;
- #81:bytes:=bytes shr 1;
- #72:inc(bytes);
- #80:dec(bytes);
- end;
- end;
- 'd','D':begin
- bytes:=oldbytes;
- textmode($103);
- dumpregs(output);
- if readkey='' then;
- end;
- 'f','F':begin
- bytes:=oldbytes;
- assign(ofil,'register.vga');
- {$i-}
- append(ofil);
- {$i+}
- if ioresult<>0 then rewrite(ofil);
- dumpregs(ofil);
- close(ofil);
- end;
- end;
- until bytes=oldbytes;
- end
- else begin {text mode}
- for x:=0 to 16383 do
- memw[bseg:x+x]:=$720;
- wid:=memw[0:$44a];
- for x:=0 to wid-1 do
- begin
- plotchar(x,0,(x mod 10)+ord('0'));
- if (x mod 10)=0 then
- plotchar(x,1,((x div 10) mod 10)+ord('0'));
- end;
- hig:=mem[0:$484];
- for x:=0 to hig do
- begin
- plotchar(0,x,(x mod 10)+ord('0'));
- if (x mod 10)=0 then
- plotchar(1,x,((x div 10) mod 10)+ord('0'));
- end;
- plotstr(5,5,'Testing mode '+hex2(md)+'h: '+istr(wid)+'x'+istr(hig+1));
- for x:=0 to 255 do
- plotchat(x and 15+10,x shr 4+7,65,x);
- if readkey='' then;
- x:=x;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- textmode(3);
- end;
- procedure testvesamodes; {Test VESA modes}
- type
- modelist=array[1..100] of word;
- var
- vesahrec:record
- sign:longint;
- version:word;
- oemname:^char;
- capabilities:longint;
- list:^modelist;
- xx:array[1..256] of byte; {Might be filled by AX=4F00h}
- end;
- mode,x,y,novesamodes:word;
- oldchip:chips;
- c:char;
- procedure tmode(m:word);
- begin
- vesamodeinfo(m);
- pixels :=vesarec.width;
- lins :=vesarec.height;
- bytes :=vesarec.bytes;
- if setmode(m) then testvmode;
- end;
- begin
- oldchip:=chip;
- chip:=__vesa;
- rp.es:=seg(vesahrec);
- rp.di:=ofs(vesahrec);
- vesahrec.sign:=$41534556;
- vio($4f00);
- mode:=1;
- {S3 VESA driver can return wrong segment if run with QEMM}
- IF {(oldchip=__s3) and} (seg(vesahrec.list^)=$e000) then
- vesahrec.list:=ptr($c000,ofs(vesahrec.list^));
- textmode($103);
- writeln('Modes:');
- writeln;
- while vesahrec.list^[mode]<>$ffff do
- begin
- vesamodeinfo(vesahrec.list^[mode]);
- writeln(' '+chr(mode+64)+' '+hex4(vesahrec.list^[mode])+'h '
- +istr(vesarec.width)+'x'+istr(vesarec.height)+' '
- +mdtxt[memmode]);
- inc(mode);
- end;
- novesamodes:=mode;
- writeln;
- writeln(' * All modes');
- writeln;
- c:=upcase(readkey);
- for mode:=1 to novesamodes do
- if (c='*') or (c=chr(mode+64)) then
- tmode(vesahrec.list^[mode]);
- chip:=oldchip;
- textmode(3);
- clrscr;
- end;
- var
- stop:boolean;
- procedure loadmodes; {Load extended modes for this chip}
- var
- t:text;
- s,pat:string;
- md,x,xres,yres,err,mreq,byt:word;
- function unhex(s:string):word;
- var x:word;
- begin
- for x:=1 to 4 do
- if s[x]>'9' then
- s[x]:=chr(ord(s[x]) and $5f-7);
- unhex:=(((word(ord(s[1])-48) shl 4
- + word(ord(s[2])-48)) shl 4
- + word(ord(s[3])-48)) shl 4
- + word(ord(s[4])-48));
- end;
- function mmode(s:string):mmods;
- var x:mmods;
- begin
- for x:=_text to _p16m do
- if s=mmodenames[x] then mmode:=x;
- end;
- begin
- nomodes:=0;
- pat:='['+header[chip]+']';
- assign(t,'whatvga.lst');
- reset(t);
- s:=' ';
- while (not eof(t)) and (s<>pat) do readln(t,s);
- s:=' ';
- readln(t,s);
- while (s[1]<>'[') and (s<>'') do
- begin
- md:=unhex(copy(s,1,4));
- memmode:=mmode(copy(s,6,4));
- val(copy(s,11,5),xres,err);
- val(copy(s,17,4),yres,err);
- case memmode of
- _text,_text4:bytes:=xres*2;
- _pl2e, _herc,_cga2,_pl2:bytes:=xres shr 3;
- _pk4,_pl4,_cga4:bytes:=xres shr 4;
- _pl16,_pk16:bytes:=xres shr 1;
- _p256:bytes:=xres;
- _p32k,_p64k:bytes:=xres*2;
- _p16m:bytes:=xres*3;
- else
- end;
- case dactype of
- _dac8:if memmode>_p256 then memmode:=_text;
- _dac15:if memmode>_p32k then memmode:=_text;
- _dac16:if memmode=_p16m then memmode:=_text;
- _dacss24:if memmode=_p64k then memmode:=_text;
- end;
- val(copy(s,22,5),byt,err);
- if (err=0) and (byt>0) then bytes:=byt;
- if err<>0 then mreq:=(longint(bytes)*yres+1023) div 1024;
- case memmode of
- _pl16:bytes:=xres shr 3;
- end;
- if (memmode>_text4) and (mm>=mreq) then
- begin
- inc(nomodes);
- modetbl[nomodes].xres:=xres;
- modetbl[nomodes].yres:=yres;
- modetbl[nomodes].md:=md;
- modetbl[nomodes].bytes:=bytes;
- modetbl[nomodes].memmode:=memmode;
- end;
- readln(t,s);
- end;
- close(t);
- end;
- var
- chp,force_chip:chips;
- s:string;
- force_mm:word;
- err,x:word;
- begin
- fillchar(dotest,sizeof(dotest),ord(true)); {allow test for all chips}
- force_mm:=0;
- force_chip:=__none;
- for x:=1 to paramcount do
- begin
- s:=paramstr(x);
- case s[1] of
- '-':begin
- s:=upstr(strip(copy(s,2,255)));
- for chp:=chips(1) to __none do
- if upstr(header[chp])=s then
- dotest[chp]:=false;
- end;
- '+':begin
- s:=upstr(strip(copy(s,2,255)));
- fillchar(dotest,sizeof(dotest),ord(false));
- for chp:=chips(1) to __none do
- if upstr(header[chp])=s then
- begin
- dotest[chp]:=true;
- force_chip:=chp;
- end;
- end;
- '=':val(copy(s,2,255),force_mm,err);
- end;
- end;
- findvideo;
- if force_chip<>__none then chip:=force_chip;
- if force_mm<>0 then mm:=force_mm;
- loadmodes;
- stop:=false;
- repeat
- textmode(3);
- writeln('WHATVGA v. 1.0 23/jan/93 Copyright 1991,92,93 Finn Thoegersen');
- writeln;
- write('Video system: ',video,' with '+istr(mm)+' Kbytes.');
- if _crt<>'' then write(' Monitor: '+_crt);
- writeln;
- if secondary<>'' then writeln('Secondary display: '+secondary);
- Write('Chipset: '+header[chip]);
- if name<>'' then write(' Name: '+name);
- writeln;
- if extra<>'' then writeln(extra);
- writeln('Dac: '+dacname);
- writeln;
- writeln(' 1 Test Standard VGA modes');
- writeln(' 2 Test Extended VGA modes');
- writeln(' 3 Test scroll function');
- writeln(' 4 Search for video modes');
- if vesa<>0 then
- writeln(' 5 Test VESA modes.');
- writeln(' 9 Stop');
- writeln;
- case readkey of
- '1':teststdvgamodes;
- '2':testvgamodes;
- '3':testscrollmodes;
- '4':searchformodes;
- '5':if vesa<>0 then testvesamodes;
- '9':stop:=true;
- end;
- until stop;
- vio(3);
- end.